She needed someone to scream her name,


by Orin



Blah. blah, blah blah blah..


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Credit to Marishka

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Finally made it work. :3

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.." Nulla ut ipsum ut sem posuere adipiscing. Proin aliquam lectus diam, id dictum nunc. Maecenas in augue tortor, sed viverra libero. “Morbi urna eros,” facilisis id malesuada a, auctor eget est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut neque nulla, dignissim ut viverra ac, vehicula vitae neque. Aenean vel libero a nibh luctus volutpat et sed ligula.

"Talks." "Thinks" Does.

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Thanks to ever for this table.

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