Girls day out

Sorry for the delay! <3

#####Princess had been sitting on the couch, her legs tucked under her gracefully, a book open in her lap. Haven had gone off that morning to do something, and she had decided to read in his absence, unsure of how to spend her day, exactly. The young Chance woman needed to find something to do with herself, an official duty, a co-rank to make herself more useful. As of yet, though, nothing had seemed to suit her very much. She was bored, though, and she needed to find something to do. Haven had his Knight duties, so he was often busy, and he was, admittedly, the only one she saw often. The once social butterfly had become very distant from her pack members, though she couldn't fathom a guess as to why.

#####Ears pricked at the call from outside, and she quickly closed the book and placed it on the couch beside her. Princess stood, straightening the dark purple silk of her dress before she opened the door, stepping into the summer heat. "Hi, Ruri!" she called out. "I'm home, but my mate," she said, albeit a bit slyly with an emphasis on the title, "is out. How are you?" Princess did not know if the news had reached Ruri yet that they had officially become mates yet. She knew that she had not told the Dauphine, but it was possibl Haven had told her, or that he had told Heath and the news had reached her that way. Princess hoped that Ruri would pick up on the use of the word.

Table by Alli!

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