Determination, patience

OOC here!

She could only nod with his first question, was he not familiar with AniWaya? But his next question cut off any answer she had in which made her forget that said answer. She smiled.

I’ve been hoping to find a herd yes, although I have no rope or bridle to take one with me.

she said feeling rather embarrassed for not being as prepared as she should have been. Heath introduced himself, she had heard of the pack Cour des Miracles, but had yet to meet anyone from there and before she could bombard him with questions, he spoke his rank, and her ears perked up to full height.

I am Liliana Vess, I am known as an Elan Soquili which is pretty terms for animal friend, I make sure the animals are fed. I work with the horses too! My mother use to train them, and trade them to pack all across old Canada.

She said excitedly. Her excitement let her forget that her mother was gone now and it was just her, she had no other family, but she was too excited to care. Someone she could talk horses with! She looked to the herd , they seemed to be listening, their ears were twitching back and forth but they seemed rather calm, which was a good thing. Maybe if she could get one to follow her she’d be able to train it and break it. That excited her to no end.

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