Picking Wildflowers

ooc goodnesssss

The Sadira girl's relief was immediately apparent as Mati eased her worries. She wasn't in trouble, and Mati had only been kidding. What a relief indeed! Her record was still clean and blemish free. It was enough to make Parker spin around for joy. Of course, what came next only increased the tiny, cinnamon toned girl's excitement. Mati did want to play, and the quiet girl waited with baited breath until Mati revealed precisely what game they would play. Hide and go seek! Parker wasn't sure she knew that game, but it sounded pretty self-explanatory, especially as Mati delivered the instructions. All that she had to do was hide and Mati would come find her after counting to ten. That was easy enough! With a nod and an excited wag of her tail, Parker scampered off to hide. She did not know if she was supposed to go before Mati started counting or after. But since the first option gave Parker a little more time, she naturally chose it.

As Mati disappeared from sight, through the tall grass of the meadow, Parker made a point to listen to the Nanny's voice, no matter how far away it was. Keeping track of what number she was on would give Parker the best chance of knowing when to hide. The sunshine pup was careful with each step she took, trying to do as little as possible to damage the wildflowers in her path. The less evidence she left, the harder it would be for Mati to find her, thus prolonging the game. That sounded logical. Given that the count was only to ten, Parker had to make a choice quick, and unfortunately, being out in the middle of a meadow left much to be desired in the way of hiding places. However, just when all hope was lost, she found what she was looking for, a burrow, and a well hidden one at that. The wildflowers had all grown up around it, and there were no fresh tracks or scents to indicate that something still called it home, and better yet it was just big enough for the petite Sadira girl to wiggle into. So as Mati's voice echoed over the meadow, reaching nine, Parker wriggled her way into the burrow, finding it somewhat more spacious once inside, even with enough room for her to spin around and face the entrance. She stayed just out of sight, back from the entrance so as not to give herself away. How lucky was she? She'd found a great hiding spot! Mati would never be able to find her here.

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