Prom Queen

         She did not make it. Cotl’s bi-coloured orbs found her with ease as he leaned out from the doorway leading into the kitchen. She turned towards him then, her hands grasping each other firmly behind her back. She saw the male’s frown—felt guilty, but unsure why this was. Had he been avoiding her as much as she had avoided him? The Hydra had tried to shield herself from the world, but being a part of the clan, this was something impossible. The child living on the second floor would not remain a secret for long. But what the hell was she supposed to say? She knew nothing about Itachi—had barely been able to believe the impossible life within her womb when she first had felt life move. ”Hey,” sounded the beautiful woman’s response, but the voice held none of that confidence that she always had managed to hold on to. She was just lost now, really.

She nodded when he commented on the time passed without interaction, and her gaze seemed unable to stay on his face as he spoke. She looked down at the dusty floor, wondering why he always had to share with her when she never repaid him for his kindness. They seemed to be equally uncomfortable. The sound of rabbit was most welcoming though, and so she took a step in the man’s direction—this without her glance returning to his face. A question rose and she had no choice but to face him. She had not managed to face the mirror today, but she knew with certainty that her troubles shone through in multiple ways. This could not continue. She was a warrior. Samael’s sins could not be erased, and she knew with certainty that Jael’s words had been true. The ruby eyes were not of the de le Poer, as she always had thought. They were Samael’s.

Cotl’s question was horrible. Barricading the door and hiding had not helped at all. No; she was lonely, and the burden had been with her all that time, inside that room. She felt moisture climb into her eyes, and so quickly brought her hands to her face. The worst part of this was that she was tearing up at the slightest little thing. She was supposed to be strong and brave, but she couldn’t find any strength to keep her troubles at bay any longer. ”Everything is so fucked up, Cotl.” What would they do when they saw that she was nothing more than a weak little girl? The thought burned, but she couldn’t bend any longer; only break.

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