Determination, patience

WC: 325(2 points) OOC: yaay

At his mention of having plenty of rope she nearly whooped with joy, but knowing how skittish the horses were likely to get held it in. She smiled and took a few breaths, letting her excitement quell a bit. His conditions were the same as her mothers, and she knew when to work. It didn’t take too long to slow the rushing of her heart, and become as calm as the wind on a cool spring day. She smiled at him and nodded, looking at the herd.

Yes, I understand,

Was all she said, there was no need to elaborate to much more than that, she was sure after everything was said and done they might be able to tell tales and such. By the time she finished her words she felt fully calmed and she told herself it was best to get excited LATER, she knew how important it was to be as calm as a horse, to let them know she was not there to hunt them. The rest would come when it did. She looked at him, waiting for his instructions. She knew she could go into the herd herself without them running off, but she’d rather work with someone, it would be much more simpler, besides, he was the one with the rope to help, she didn’t. That was the main fact, but she was also very curious about him, and how he took care of his own horses, hoping if they do get a chance to talk later on she’d learn a little from him. She knew quite a bit from her mother but it never hurt to learn anything new, that was the optimist inside her and it helped keep her calm, but she did have to keep quelling the excitement that was building in her. She made sure to clear her mind once the time came for her to go into the herd. Nothing else would matter then.

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