we are bled of color.

D'ye wanna play this out or fade to black? ;3 I don't care either way.

Ryoujoku did not ever believe his own words to be empty. He was a man of his word, even if Laruku couldn't be, and besides, it was easy to give himself away freely because he always got something in return. They were an evolved speices, full of thought, wonder, and complex mental circus performances, but at their cores, they would always be the same as they had always been. Killing, feeding, and fucking would always be a part of them and the primal beast had no morals to hinder it. It didn't matter who they killed and who they devoured, and even less did it matter who they decided to lay with in the envelopes of fog where no one could see them.

The demon laughed and pushed his whore-lover's son down suddenly and roughly. What would you like to see, baby? He crawled over the other's body so that they were face-to-face once again. The boy's smile was far too small in comparison to his own; he would teach him to grin wider and then scream for more.


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