Silent days, where have you gone

OOC: I love them. =X

A wave of warmth washed over Bris as Conor agreed with her suggestion. Even if it was something tiny, she felt like she'd helped somehow. Her face pulled into a gentle smile as she turned her attention back to the sky with the silence that once again draped over the pair. Bris had been amazed at the comfort that she so often found in that silence between her and her alpha, ever since that first day in the greenhouse. It had never felt awkward or tense with Conor, and it led to a feeling that they'd known each other longer than they really had. Whatever the reason for the ease between them, Bris was always glad of it.

After a time, the Dahlian male touched upon a completely unrelated topic. Content to let the conversation go where Conor wanted it to, Bris found herself smiling and laughing softly at his question. "To say I never pictured myself caring for kids at this point in my life would be an understatement. But you know what? I can honestly say I'm happy. Spirits only know where my brother is, but I know he wouldn't have run off and abandoned the pups if he knew he had them. It's a lot of work, but I don't mind it. I really don't. There are good days and bad days, but that's the same with anything." Bris' voice grew a bit softer as she went on. "I just want to give them the childhood that I never felt I had. I want them to enjoy being puppies, to not worry about why anyone is looking at them the wrong way, or biting their tongues for fear that they'll say something to offend the adults who already hate them."

Bris couldn't say she'd had a terrible childhood. She'd had a warm place to sleep, plenty of food, protection from anything outside the pack, and a half-brother and half-sister who adored her. But even now the eyes of the other adults in the Stormbringer clan followed her. Their looks had stung her childhood heart with fear, hate, and disgust. It had taken a long time to uncover the truth behind those judgemental stares, and Bris had emptied her stomach at the sickness that truth had made her feel. Her littermates had shared in her Dawnrunner stigma, but they at least looked like her mother's side on the outside. Bris' glaring white coat broadcast her bad blood to the entire clan, and there'd been no way she could escape it.

Drey's children bore the same stigma as Bris did, but here in Dahlia, that hardly mattered. Here, amongst what had become a family of ragtag wanderers and lost souls, the children could grow up as they should. Along with Nayru and the other youngsters, Drey's brood could lead a happy childhood, the childhood Bris had been denied. Bris chewed her lip absently as she thought harder on Conor's inquiry, daring to talk a little more about everything she normally kept inside. The comfort she seemed to feel around the young alpha always seemed to loosen her tongue a bit. "You know, I never thought I would ever find somewhere I felt I belonged. I loved my family, I still do, but they could just never get past what I was. I was always an outcast, always trying to prove my father's blood didn't matter, but it always did in the end. I don't hate them for it, I just wish it had been different." She was quiet for a moment, just staring at the black claws that contrast so well with her alabaster feet. "Here, in Dahlia, it is different. I finally feel, I dunno, like a part of something. It feels like home."

The wind stirred a bit as the corners of Bris' lips pulled into a comfortable smile. She didn't even care if it seemed like she was babbling by now; it felt good to say those words, and it felt right to say them to Conor. After all, he was the one who cared for Dahlia as his family, the one who'd invited Bris to live in what was for all intents and purposes his house. She could have found a different house amongst the countless ones that still stood in the dilapidated human towns. Any of those could have provided a place for her to raise her brother's children perfectly well. But Conor had opened his own house to them all, and it was that generosity and care that made him who he was. Bris would never be able to find the right words to thank him for everything he'd done for her so far. He'd earned her respect, her gratitude, and perhaps a spark of something else. She couldn't deny that she felt a connection to the young Soul male that she'd never felt with anyone, but Bris was reluctant to risk that growing friendship between them by ever bringing it up. She wished there were some way to discover if Conor might feel the same, without destroying the newborn bond with the words of her curiosity. For now her questions would go unspoken. She was unwilling to take the risk.

Table by Vero!


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