bleach white bones

Snake still remembered how he had felt when he had first seen the warning that the creatures of Infenri employed to keep out unwanted visitors. They had done their job—they had stopped him in his tracks. But why, that was something he didn’t remember. He might’ve been afraid, or just interested. He had been young—both were possible explanations. Now, however, they didn’t bother him in the slightest. Once the soul was torn from its shell, the body was no longer anything. It was a reminder, and it was a symbol, but it no longer had importance. It would rot. Those that stood sentinel on Inferni’s borders had been given some kind of importance, though—to protect these lands as instruments of fear.

It worked, and that’s all he cared about. It might be the reason that this coyote was still lingering on the more neutral borders instead of gallivanting to claimed lands. Then again, she might not have done that to begin with. He could tell without looking that she had a kind of timidity about her, something wavering and not solid. It didn’t really bother him, but it was something outside of his nature. He almost felt the need to blink when she replied so cheerfully, as if it had momentarily blinded him. He wasn’t very good at talking to those sunny types—no, not at all.

Clover Love Lykoi, huh. What kind of name was that. There was not a drop of surprise in the blond coyote, learning that she was seeking out the family that Infenri was at least half-way comprised of. She was looking for them—that made sense, he guessed. “Many Lykois make this place their home. I know of Kaena, Halo, Eris, Corona, Vieira, Razekiel… and a few newer ones whom I can't remember the names of. I apologize, but I do not know of any Sage or China Lykoi.”


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