Determination, patience

OOC here!

Heath was quite the horse charmer it seemed as he walked into the herd. Liliana did the same, she felt confident… well she had to the horses smelled whatever was on her, and if she thought anything of a meal, they’d trample her. She definitely had no interest of a meal, and was quite full. She made no sudden movements and walked over to Heath when he ushered her over. She stayed quiet, and looked at where he pointed, listening to his whisper, making sure she got it the first time so that she didn’t have to ask him what he’d said. She didn’t nod at understanding anything he’d said, the less movement she made the happier things would be. She kept her eyes on the stallion as she took the apples from the male and scanned the herd. The ones closest to them saw the exchange of something red, and well sweet smelling so a few had perked their heads up. Liliana smiled, letting her head move slowly between the horses. Seeing which one would pick her, she kept her distance from the stallion though, knowing all positions of the great horse. Soon she found herself being greated by a beautiful chestnut mare with an almost see through white mane, She stared at the horse in awe as she moved up to Liliana, she held her hand out, smiling, but showing no teeth, but keeping her eye on the stallion as the mare came to her. She smiled broadly as the chestnut nosed Liliana, inspecting her, she kept quiet as the horse blew on her shoulders, tickling her as she made her hair move.

You are a fine beauty,

She whispered to the horse, letting the horse hear her voice. The chestnut blew through her mouth and shook her head, not use to the noise Liliana was making. She kept quiet, knowing if the horse really did choose her, it was amazing, so fast too. She liked it. She’d have a companion. She looked the horse over, she was well fed, she seemed somewhat young, but older than Liliana, a life partner for sure.

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