One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!
Hope you guys don't mind me popping in!! ^^ Sorry for the length, Bris tends to sort of run away with me. =X
WC: 415

Bris had no particular destination in mind today. Normally, the days found her making a cursory round along the pack borders, trying to help Conor out in his responsibilities by keeping an eye out for strangers. Most of the wayward souls that found themselves at Dahlia's doorstep were looking for a new home, but Bris knew innately that there were others who had very different intentions. Every day that she took up the task of patrolling, Hybrid's burning red eyes haunted her. She doubted he would have the gall to trespass, but that didn't mean he couldn't be lurking outside the boundary, just waiting for Bris to take another step outside. After all, that's how he'd found her on the beach.

Today was going to be a stress-free day. Bris had decided not to deal with the patrol and take a much-needed mental health day, per se. She found herself wandering through most of the packlands' innermost areas, spending a little time at her sister's grave in Flander's Field, and otherwise just soaking up the feeling of belonging that Dahlia had granted her. As she walked, satchel slung over her shoulder as usual, the unmistakable sounds of splashing and voices reached her ears. Curious, Bris followed the sounds to their source, her lips pulling into a wide smile as she saw the unknown silvery luperci tossing a fish to none other than her nephew.

"I think you should let her show you how to do it, Giddy! She seems to know what she's doing!" Her voice was cheerful and lighthearted; the company of her brother's children, and Gideon in particular, always brought her happiness. The black boy had been in Dahlia the longest of the four Stormbringer pups, and had been injured to boot. As a result, Gideon had been the one that Bris had spent the most time with thus far, between general care and helping Conor in tending to his wounds and nursing the little boy back to health.

As she approached, Bris dipped her head in a friendly greeting to the new woman she didn't yet know. "My name's Bris, and this little imp here is Gideon, my nephew. Have you been in Dahlia long?" The Spaher already knew the answer to that question, as the scents of the pack itself and of Conor were still fresh and new on her metallic fur, but Bris enjoyed meeting new souls and getting to know them. A little conversation usually went a long way.

Table by Marishka!
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