One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!
ooc talk: I hope it's okay that I joined in this thread! =D

Reverent padded through the trees in her four legged form. She had joined Dahlia de Mai in search of family, friends, or even more. She had yet found any of the wolves other than Cwmfen and Conor. She was eager to meet the others. As she was padding through the trees of Dahlia Reverent came accross a sent...luperci. She was curious of this new sent and followed it. Though she was unsure of what she may have gotten herself into...

Reverent finally came accross a river. Fish were swimming down it. She headed up-river the wind following her running through her fur and her soul. She had caught a noise and stopped. The wind blew again and her ears turned down river. A voice. It was quiet, but she had heard it. The black female turned around and headed down-river rather than her inteded path of up-river. Her bright blue eyes looked to the water watching the multi-colored fish swim next to her and felt the wind carry her twoard the noise she had hoped was the luperci she had smelled back in the trees.

When she had finally made it to a part of the river she saw a white female, a black turned to grey male, and a white and grey luperci. Reverent still in her wolf form hesitantly walked over to them, she thought that she should let her presence be known. Though just looking at the three wolves was making her anxcious. Reveren't had taken a step back then paused, she looked at the wolves again and their cheerful expressions and looked at the littlest one in the water still. He reminded her of Asthen so much, a smile appeared on her lips as she watched the young male. The wind washed over her body once more, and she found the courage she needed and stepped forward, "Hello, I'm new to Dahlia. My name is Reverent, I noticed you were fishing and I wondered if you wouldn't mind and extra helping hand?" She smiled at the wolves in hope of making friends rather than enimies in her new found family.


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