[M] The Birds are Still Singing


He focused on her smell, as well as the sight of her as he looked selfishly down at her body while he held her captive in his arm. The entire room felt warm, but it was not the sort of heat that remained from the summer day. It came from him, as well as his mate and radiated into the air. Heath laughed lightly at her words. She had certainly surprised him and he had no objection to trying their hardest to start the family that he had asked to have with her all those months and months ago. It had been a big step for the male, who’s family life had been just as tragic as hers. But together they were something different, no longer the past lives they once held, and nothing like the disasters their parents had been. Together they would be marvelous, and he wanted to begin that now.

Heath watched as she walked away from him, her body moving in a way he had never seen it before. The male stood in silence, the heat of his skin brining his mouth to open and seek relief. His pants felt far too confining, and he single handedly and forcefully unfastened the line of buttons that kept them closed and after they fell followed her towards the bed.

No voice came to answer her, she knew word had never been a strength of his. He caught her as she walked away from him, his mouth moving to his neck swiftly and yet gently. Black furred hand wrapped itself around to cradle her soft flat stomach, his fingers outstretched wide to touch as much as they could and hold her still. The morte dre Soul male kissed up her neck from behind, his body pressing against her and reviling in the sweet relief of touching groomed and silk coat her without anything between them. He kissed the crook of her neck and shoulder, the new intoxicating scent flooding his nose and so strong he could taste that this was its origin.

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