The bright wolf
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Hello again! Smile I see you've edited your post; great! Big Grin We'll post a few times back and forth now, so the characters can get through the IC process, and so that I can familiarize myself with your roleplaying Smile If you have any questions or are unsure how to continue, just PM me if you want, and I'll do my best to explain Smile You can ask in the OOC section of your post, too, if you want!

He always had something to do, and these days that was what he preferred. Sometimes he patrolled the borders with troublesome thoughts haunting him, and the long walks that lasted hours helped him clear his mind. Sometimes, like today, he simply enjoyed it, and his yellow eyes trailed the familiar landscape as he walked along the path that ran closest to the border. His nose would alert him of anything unusual, and just as he glanced with fondness at one of the oldest trees in the area, it did. The scent of a stranger caused him to turn and continue off the path, and though he was curious as to what he would encounter, he was not worried. The late summer sun that so gently touched the branches of his forest (his, he thought. It was not his, but everyone's, but he had seen it and made it his home, and so he could not help but feel like he owned it just a little) made everything beautiful, and as the old male he was, he could not help but feel moved by this. Thus, he continued moving with his ears perked upwards and with a gentle step, until he spotted the stranger, napping in the shadow of one of the few trees that accompanied the wired fences of their borders. He continued moving towards her, and he studied her with curiosity before he realized that the 'strange markings' he saw were burn marks. Automatically, his hand went to his pouch of herbs that he always carried with him, and unfastened it. He realized now, that for all he knew, the young female could be dying, and not napping, and so he wasted no time at all. Walking up to her quite quickly, he bent down and shook her shoulder gently as he spoke, trying to wake her without surprising her. "Wake up." If she was badly injured, he had some work to do. Burn wounds were nasty stuff.


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