M - take it on the run, baby

WC: 317 (3 Points)

He took another sip from his bottle, he’d actually drunk more than he thought, but that slipped from his mind when she leaned on him, he felt happy she agreed with him. Well it was good to keep someone company who really wanted it. Then she leaned on his shoulder, a different feeling all together rushed through him, excitement? Joy? Well whatever it was, He liked it, so why make her stop??

Of course I like you, why wouldn’t I?

He said, calmly, the alcohol was now getting to him, and he wasn’t thinking like himself, he’d be screaming to himself right now this wasn’t right, he shuldn’t be hear, think of Liliya but right now, there was no Liliya, there was nothing, nothing but Lolita, the vodka, and the waves, which had eaten everything around them. It was now just them alone on the blanket. His heart started beating faster when she put her hand on his thigh, this touch he’d never felt before, it wasn’t the touch of just a friend or even sibling, no definitely not a sibling, but something else, this he liked more than her hand on his sholder, he looked over at her. Her eyes were the same green color as his, how nice, although he thought they complimented her more than they did him.

Birds, I have a hatchling that I take care of, a golden eagle.

his enthusiasm for the birds didn’t dissapate even when being drunk, the raptors were his passion, he loved his two birds he had. There was no denying it, but he was telling himself, it was always good to get away, do something else… something like this. He sat straight letting her lean on him. This was new to him, so he wasn’t sure, even his instincts didn’t kick in yet. He put an arm around her shoulder, letting her lean onto him more.

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