Bright White Sunshine
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Wc: 326~

Nodding at Vigilante's words, his sentiment was all too familiar to the fae. She hadn't known Jacquez personally, but already he sounded a lot like herself, except where he took to the seas, Ghita took to the land. A prickle of discomfort rose the hairs on the back of her neck, but the tinder-coloured fae tried to push those feelings away, lock them down to be examined later. Even as the male spoke on, he sounded as if he could be describing her own situation, eerily so.

"The important thing is that those nerves don't show - I think that's the best thing you could do to lead." Ghita's experiences with leadership had been few and far between, only leading herself and her nomadic pack for a brief spell, but she knew from looking at the other nomadic leader and her own sister that it was good for a pack to have a stable leader, even if they were only trying to figure things out for themselves. "At least in my experience, a pack seems more stable and confident if it's leader does, but that doesn't mean to lie to your pack. Then again, who'm I to be giving leadership advice?" Her last statement was followed with a laugh, more regretful than lighthearted in any case.

Prying seemed to be exactly what Vigilante was doing, despite his statements against. Flicking her ears once more with discomfort and irritation, she let the silence stretch for a few moments before responding, wondering how much to disclose. "I will not lie and say that the pull is still there. But I have a mate now, and two lovely children. I've gotten to know my family more and more, and the love for them is what keeps me here. The pull isn't as strong any more, but it's still there. I suspect it always will. But are you asking for my own input, or insight into your former King's actions?"


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