Night of the Hunter

sorry for the delay

With his nephew now his ward, Larkspur had begrudgingly accepted the role as his tutor. Though Misery had perhaps intended this all along, providing for a child that had been raised in a much different situation then his own was a foreign thing. Harlowe was used to human things, and Larkspur was not. He had adapted since his arrival within Dahlia de Mai. He had done more than just adapt; he had thrived. This was the gift that Tak had given him.

He and the horse had been in the city for hours now. A few odds and ends had been picked up, including a bit of shiny jewelry that he figured Eris might like. If he saw the girl again he would make sure to give it to her. Because he could not read, figuring out what store-fronts were had become difficult. Some were obvious, but others harder to find. The bookstore had been difficult because its front had been all but destroyed, though he recognized the shapes of the papery things as the ones his nephew had brought with him.

Larkspur grabbed an armful of random titles and stuffed them into a saddle bag. Once again, his illiteracy had stumped him as to their names. Crime and Punishment, an Encyclopedia, a large book about birds, and Don Quixote. By the time he had gone back to the horse, the sun had sunk in the distance. It was dark by the time he had begun heading west, moving at a slow walk, not trusting the area. After perhaps twenty minutes he found the sound began to echo…no, someone else on horseback was here. The black wolf looked around for the source, eyes glimmering in the starlight.

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