Nayru has a room to herself, somewhere on the first floor XD we need a map or something. 394

Nearly seven months. In a short two months more Conor would raise her into adult ranks and no longer could she ever use youth as an excuse for anything. Although in many ways Nayru had matured, there were some fragments of childhood she clung to. On one day she might be aloof and serene, wisdom and logic far beyond her age driving her to act older than she was, and on others she would be content to tumble with Gideon and pester the good natured elders to her heart’s content. Yet that fuzzy line that allowed for such interchangeability was growing thinner, and soon the line would not be there at all. She’d be an adult and it was best to start practicing now.

Nayru stared down at her hands, for they certainly were hands when she was in her optime form. Only Conor had seen her thus far, though it had been quite a while since she had first shifted. Only in private she did the piebald girl move about on two legs, unwilling to let others see how uneasy on her feet she had been at first. Now she was as graceful on two legs as she could be on four, and the dainty little Nayru was nothing if not graceful, when she wished. There were certainly many benefits to two legs that four legs did not provide, along with the use of opposable thumbs she could spin, twirl and jump to her heart’s content, which she did often in her room, when the others were sleeping and less likely to hear her soft foot falls on the wooden floor.

Yet she couldn’t hide from them forever, nor did she wish to, and so when she heard Bris’ voice calling out for her, Nayru dutifully went to the door, opening the handle and stuck her head out. “I’m in here Bris.” Nayru stood by her door, as casual and natural as could be, wondering if Bris wished to gain access for whatever reason she called to the girl. Well, if she did Nayru wouldn’t deny her. Nayru’s room was empty except for an old desk and a bare bed, the frame none too new. The girl didn’t think she’d stay in that room forever, but it had been her haven for the last three months and the fairy child wouldn’t forget that.


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