Music to my ears


It was definitely one of though sit out in the sun sort of beautiful days. It was rare that Jazper stuck around the mansion except when he was in the library or in his room sleeping however today the warrior had decided it was just too good a day to spend walking in circles around the territory and to hot to go out into town. Instead Jazper sat with his violin in his lap and looked up at the sun with a goofy grin. The summer time was a sensitive time for Jazper's body. The sun mixed with humidity often made it hard for him to carry his mass around. Not to mention every last inch of him was a mix of different shades of blacks. In the summer season his coat compromised a little and shed leaving the giant with a sleek and thin coat, with the exception of the thicker mane around his neck.

With a sigh Jazper wondered where Aro and Sophia had gotten off to. It had been far to long since they had hung out as a family. They had just grown up way to fast for the coal warrior's liking. It seemed like just yesterday Ghita had arrived at the boarders incapable of forming a proper English sentence, that he had fallen in love, the night they had make the mistake of getting piss drunk and ended up with an accidental family that he loved and adored. Now Sophia and Aro had grown up and were at the stage where they could shift any day. What an experience that always was. Jazper could remember very vividly the night he first changed. It wasn't painful, it was just a scary strange and unfamiliar thing. The fear of the unknown was usually what made the new shifters go into shock briefly after their change. It was a sign that they were adults now. Adult, independent, functioning members of the pack. Meaning they weren't Jazper's little pups anymore.

A small ache planted itself where the Knight's heart should be as he looked blankly out at the forest and thought of his son and daughter. They didn't need him anymore. His whole purpose as a father had been lost because of the simply motion of time. Raising the darkly shaded instrument he placed in securely under his chin and gently let the hairs of the bow kiss the strings. Today Jazper didn't play his usually happy and light dancing music. No, today he let the strings and hairs meet for the full length of the bow. Allowing a melancholy melody to evolve as he sat quietly reminiscing.

His solitude was however, not left very solitary as he was rudely interrupted by a tiny voice. Caught off guard Jazper quickly turned to see a pup who he had never seen in his life. He certainly wasn't one of Anu's boys nor was he one of Savina and Kansas' pups. Taking in the tiny pup he was almost tempted to tell him it was non of his business and he should run back to his mommy. However, the boy didn't smell like any other pack, just Crimson Dreams. Perhaps they had a guest who was staying here with their pups? “It's a violin. It makes sounds when you touch the bow to the stings in a certain way.” He explained briefly before getting the his main point, “Who are you?”

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