Never got to say I love you..
She couldn't have been lucky enough for them to just not notice her slip away, though the fact that she was shrieking his name even before she'd gotten more than a few feet away surely didn't help. She'd made it half way through the swamp before he'd caught up to her, close enough that he was able to reach out and grab her. This didn't stop the persistent hybrid though, instead she jerked violently, intending to go on. "Let me go Gabriel!" She shouted, her words a mesh of anger and fear and sadness. Arkham was his brother too. How could he not understand? "I have to get Arkham!" He was strong though, much stronger than she, and she wasn't able to pull away from him.

Finally, in a rush of varied emotions, Rachias spun around to face him. "Let me GO!" And she swung at him, fist clenched as tightly as she could get it. There was no real target, no real aim. She'd stun him maybe, then she could get away and find Arkham.


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