come what may
Pendzez had went beyond the border line that cut through the northernmost section of Halifax, coming into the bigger central area, where there seemed to be more forsaken rusted carriages. They seemed to litter each street and road that he past by. The buildings were the only things that still stood their ground against Mother Nature trying to take back the land that was once hers. Now, it looks like she's adapted to them, trying to keep them up rather than bring them down. The world changes every day.

He walked further down, with him as always his masamune, and his belt pouch of herbs, with an old leather sack for other stuff. He had no particular objective to this trip, only that to look around to see if he could possibly find something of use, not only to him, but also to the pack. Food, supplies, materials, didn't really matter to him. There were no herbs here in the city, unless he found an old herbalist store.

He stopped at a big building, more wider than the other shops he had past. Something in his conscience that was saying to him to have a look. Maybe there was something of value in here. He opened one of the doors, which looked like it slides open, hearing a like echo inside as it opened. He walked in, stopping to examine his surroundings. It had a whole heap of stores here than there were outside. He was quick to know the name of it. A mall. Where was he going to start?

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