Having a layout of the house is not at all a bad idea. <.< We should do a Dahlia chat later and hash things out and see if we can get someone to do a simple layout image like they have for apartments and such on websites. XD I plan on doing something similar for Drey's house next door too. ^^
WC: 325

"I'm in here Bris." The child's voice called softly from a room toward the back of the house, though Bris would be hard-pressed to call Nayru a child any longer. She was nearly seven months of age, and it never ceased to amaze the woman how quickly children could grow up. Nayru's voice had long since lost the high-pitched cutesy voice of puppyhood, and was steadily evolving into the soft, beautiful voice of maturity to match her growing body.

Smiling warmly, her hands holding the velvet pouch gently between them, Bris made her way to the girl's door, stopping in front of her. Nayru's space was her own, and there was no way the spaher would ever intrude on someone else's space without being asked. As she'd approached, Bris' smile had widened at the revealed sight of Nayru's shifted form, excitement and joy plastered quite apparently on her snowy face. "Oh Nayru, you're beautiful!! Turn around and let me get a good look!! And you went through it by yourself, didn't you? Gods, my first time was terrifying! I couldn't go through it without Drey's help!" As she stood in the doorway admiring the young girl, Bris rambled on excitedly, like an older sister full of boundless joy over her sister's good news.

After the first initial moments of excitement, Bris' fingers brushed against the soft velvet of the pouch she held between her hands, reminding her that there was another purpose for stopping by the younger girl's room. "OH! This is for you, to celebrate your first shift. I hope you like it, I tried to find the best stones that I thought would suit you." Bris grinned as she stretched her hands out, the black velvet pouch offered up for Nayru to take. It was Bris' very first gift for someone made by her own hand, and there was a nervous excitement to her mismatched eyes as she waited for the girl's reaction.

Table by Marishka!
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