Dress Up In You
Nayru seems to have run out of questions to ask Harlow. Oops. 555.

Nayru titled her head, just so slightly, and smiled as the boy thanked her. For what? For telling him it was a pleasure to meet him? The girl would have giggled if she didn’t think it would make him feel uncomfortable and instead she just looked upon him warmly, letting the moment pass unacknowledged aside from her easy grin. His strange mannerisms did not bother her, too confident in herself, and she did not think him rude in the slightest. He was pleasant and kind thus far and that’s all Nayru really wanted from others. The only unpleasant character she had ever met was King, and being a member of her pack she accepted him just the same although she tried to avoid him. She was not scared of him, but when she imagined his negative energies trying to soak into her skin the thought alarmed her. Whether it was all made up and she only thought she could feel energy from others, she was uncertain. That too might all be a dream, like the white lady, but Harlowe and his energy did not alarm her.

Nayru did not relax her smile but rather increased it as the boy offered up an apology for her explanation of her birth. At this she did laugh, just a light titter, but one full of mirth and good will. "Don’t be sorry, I was born to a pair of loners but I like Dahlia de Mai very much now. I’m glad to have found it." Well, she hadn’t found it exactly, rather she had been brought here purposefully, but that seemed irrelevant. The white lady bringing her here was as much a dream as the white lady who came to her while she slept. Nayru didn’t think on it anymore. Instead she went on, answering the boy’s question about her relatives. "My parents and sisters are the only family I have, but they aren’t here. " Nor did she know where they were, but that didn’t seem to bother Nayru either.

"I live with Conor Soul right now, and a lot of others too." Nayru spoke as if that made up for missing family. Conor and Bris were like older siblings or adult friends, rather than parents, but they made sure she was fed and taken care of and she had a genuine fondness for them. Gideon filled in any other voids that her sisters’ absence might have left, but her parents and sisters had not left voids. Nayru did not feel sorrow when parted from loved ones, although why she couldn’t exactly explain. Instead she simply accepted life for what it was. "I’m not sure how much longer I want to stay with them though, the house is always crowded. I… I want a house of my own soon. With a garden." Why she shared this with him she wasn’t sure, but it was true. At all hours of the day puppies, half grown youths and adults came and went, even those who did not live there but simply knew the ones that did often showed their face within the Victorian home. Yet at seven months she would only think about leaving, and voice this half-born thought to a boy who probably didn’t know what to do with the idle day dreams of a younger, silly girl.


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