What's in the Fog?

The figure continued on with its idle wandering through the graveyard, stopping only to examine a presumably interesting stone. Lucia remained still, standing silently beside the headstone she had previously been digging at. She couldn’t quite pinpoint why, but it unsettled her to find someone else lingering around these parts, obscured by the graveyard’s remoteness and the thin layer fog that swirled about. With all the death and slowly withering plants around them, it hardly seemed like a fitting place for a quaint little chat with a pack mate.

The graveyard’s other visitor made its way forward again, but it paused abruptly, seemingly staring in her direction. The girl remained rooted to the spot, wondering in the silence if she had finally been spotted. Then the stranger called out, identifying himself as a Valley member she had yet to meet. The Marino girl didn’t return his call, though, opting instead to peer silently through the fog at him. Perhaps he hadn’t really spotted her after all.

Maybe she could turn this into a game, see how long she could sneak about here without being discovered. It would certainly be more entertaining that digging up old bones in the dirt for the rest of the afternoon. With this in mind, the sandy-furred youth crouched low and tried to step as quietly as she could around the weathered gravestone, hoping to put some distance between them so that she could try to circle around him. While the bit of fog hovering in the air would help mask her position, it could also let her loose track of him just as easily, should she venture too far off. Oh, this would be fun indeed.


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