Adieu to the Vast Horizon

Agreed. I've already gotten an offer for a new thread XD

What is it that draws one away from home? Is it the thrill of adventure, or simply the lust for discovery? Both attributes were familiar to Marcus. He had travelled all over the world he had known, and with each new location, he felt the rush of adrenaline as he set foot on fresh soil. He looked at Anu with disbelief. She had never been away from this place. Had she never wondered about what mysteries lay across those deep waters? Even a well travelled man such as Marcus had speculated over the possibilities of Utopia. Why else would so many have flocked to westward ships? He had seen them go in loads the size of stars. So many men and women who climbed aboard ships and sailed into the never ending horizon. Bellatrix Stone and her pack, Carlisle Marconne and the crew of 'The Partridge', Rurik Russo and 'The Syemv', all chasing the sun as it set in the west. Marcus had found their paradise, and although he had only fell privileged to it through an horrific twist of fate, paradise, if only by the happening of terrible circumstance, is paradise nonetheless.

Marcus soaked up as much information as he could about Crimson Dreams. The large lake Anu referred to must be Lake Rossignol, the one he had seen on his map. He remembered the Mersey River, to the northeast. It would provide him with a clear passage into the lake, if the Alphess would allow it. Marcus held a tremendous respect for this Italian. In his eyes, any leader who could keep peace in their time was a leader worth noting. He would definitely need to walk the territory to get a feel for his surroundings. Perhaps he would seek out this 'Haven Manor', and the pack which resided within. Then, he thought, he could make reimbursement somehow to the pack who showed him such kindness. But he was getting ahead of himself. Anu had not even gotten back to tell the others of his arrival. Although Marcus did want to make acquaintances, he thought it best that he rested first, in order to regain the strength lost in his approach.

The old man flinched. "I beg pardon? Ah, Yes. Wait... YES! Yes of course I will teach you!" Marcus laughed at his daftness. "It just so happens that I have a book filled with delightful herb combinations, which I have been eager to use. Perhaps sometime in the future, you and I could head out on an expedition to find some ingredients." He began to stand." But now, my friend, I do believe it is time for us to enjoy the company of others. I have travelled long and far, and I feel my old bones beginning to ache." Marcus did not really want Anu to leave. He had been enjoying her visit, and was never too keen for the time of farewell. But sadly, he really was in need of rest. It had been a long trip, and a long time since he had had a good night's sleep. He began towards his cabin, but stopped mid stride, to speak, "I really do appreciate this, Anu. In another life, I would have given you the world and a paper plate." He chuckled. Marcus was somewhat partial to obscure jokes. Especially ones where he knew he was the only one in on it. His tone grew sincere once more: "If ever there is something you need, I will always be around someplace. You need only shout; I may be old, but I haven't lost my speed yet." Feeling content with his words, Marcus continued towards his cabin, making sure to kick his pistol in before him. He would not need to take it out ever again. As he took the first step down, a final thought entered his mind. He spun around, grasped the sides of the entryway, and said,"Oh, and one more thing. This Alphess of yours... She must have a name?" his head cocked to the side, and a familiar grin finding it's long lost place on his grizzled old chin.


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