Picking Wildflowers

ooc text

Golden orbs stared into the purple of the Nanny, showing the concern that she had done something wrong. Yet, rather than scolding or any sort of upset tone of voice, Parker was greeted with joy, in fact something that sounded like relief in Mati's voice. How wonderful, she wasn't in trouble. In fact, Mati was glad to see her, very glad it seemed. To top it all off, she had won the game. Of course, she hadn't yet figured entirely how she had won it, but she had. Flattened ears perked up and a smile of her own greeted Mati as the dark brown woman lowered herself to Parker's eye level. She was relieved in her own right that the Church fae wasn't mad at her for hiding so well. She would have to be more careful next time, maybe hide a bit further out in the open. Mati seemed like she had really been worried about her. That wasn't good. Games were supposed to be fun for everyone, not scary.

At the opportunity to wash off, Parker confusedly turned and looked at herself, only to see her cinnamon and white pelt covered in dark brown soil. At first she had thought to decline the offer, but seeing that she really did need it, a bath sounded wonderful. A gentle nod of her head indicated just how ready Parker was for a bath. She wasn't a huge fan of being this dirty. A little dirt didn't hurt anyone, and this dirt wasn't causing her any difficulty, but the idea of cleaning up seemed better than just staying dirty. What if mama saw her? She likely would not be happy that Parker had gotten herself covered in dirt. Mati's plan would prevent that entire scenario from ever occuring, which in turn made it an even better option.

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