The Sky Is Falling
The wolfess spotted Tybalt long before she got to him. She was far away and above, cocking her head as she wondered if she was awake. Many things had seemed like a dream, lately. This was one of those times. Was she looking into the past? No, the little critter still wasn't small enough, not quite the same shape as she had been as a pup. This little creature looked more like her father. After watching the playful creature for a while, she decided to go investigate who this was. After all, she had told herself that she would try to get to know every individual in the pack. Even if this was her father, somewhere in the past, or just another tough white pup playing int he snow, she would have to meet him eventually.

Just as she was getting within hearing range of him, she saw him pout up at the snow, obviously frustrated with the substance. She couldn't help but laugh as she walked nearer to him. "Its easier to play with this snow," she said, scooping up some from the ground and eating it. It wasn't easy to do, since it was so cold and crispy, she had to use her tongue, and the result was that it looked like she was eating peanut butter, such were the motions her mouth used. Having finished, she gave him a friendly grin, remembering her first snow, and even more fondly, her first discovery of ice. "I'm Melisande Sadira," she said, fully expecting, but not requiring, him to announce his name in reply. He was a quite little pup, she thought, and although she couldn't remember when her parents let her go off by herself, she decided that she had better make sure he wasn't lost or something. "Your parents let you play alone in this weather?" she said, trying to sound as friendly and un-accusing as possible.

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