What's in the Fog?

So focused was Lucia on her little game of stealth that it almost seemed to her that the decaying graveyard had fallen even further into silence. The layer of fog surrounding them appeared to echo her every step, her every breath. The increased challenge of such silence, whether it was all just in her head or not, only brought a grin to her features as she treaded along the rows of headstones. A misplaced step on some unearthed bones nearly threw off her footing, but she regained her balance by grabbing onto the gravestone in front of her—and consequently, knocking the bone she still held against the stone. She cringed at the sudden noise and nearly cursed at her slip-up, but she held her tongue and remained still. She scanned the foggy horizon for any signs of this Domonick she was avoiding, but before she could spot his silhouette he called out again, questioning the foggy air if there was anyone else around. The Marino girl flinched once more at the noise, ducking behind the headstone in the hopes of avoiding detection.

She remained there for several seconds, breath held as she waited for her unwitting playmate to continue onward on his oblivious stroll once again. When she convinced herself that she heard the faint footsteps from his direction again, she peered over the edge of the stone and glanced around. It looked like she was still clear to move on again, and she resumed her slow, crouched walk along the rows of graves. The little mishap had given her an idea, however, and that mischievous grin soon found its way back to her maw. Lucia turned down another wide aisle of graves, tapping the bone she held against a short old stone a couple of times, hoping to draw his attention. She quickened her pace, hurrying to tap the bone against another cross-shaped grave further down the row. This was much more fun than straight out stealth. She tried to slip quietly away from the last stone she tapped, eagerly awaiting the Praeas’s next move.



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