One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!
ooc talk:I hope there isn't an order to this post if so, sorry I kinda jumbled it up. =\

The little pup asked if she had known how to fish. She smiled a toothy grin at the little pup. She layed down in front of him so she could be more of his level. "Yes, I do know how to fish! It's quite fun! Would you like to learn how?" She couldn't help herself, the male pup just reminded her of her little brother. She looked to the Luperci and the other female wolf and smiled. She turned to the other wolf, Reverent could tell there were some similarities in the two."Hi, you must be related to this pup." She smiled at the female as she sat back up and padded to the water. She looked in and stood still as stone waiting for a fish to pass. As soon as one did she pounced on it and pushed her sharp teeth into the fish and padded back to the group. "Sorry, I would show you in my Luperci form but I've always caught fish this way." She smiled at the group as she set the fish down and sat back her tail wagging slightly.


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