teenage spaceship sewn to the sky
The jolting recital of a name caused its bearer to refocus on the frightening one who uttered it, but she was no more inclined to show her inner-fear than she was to grovel at the foot of a prospective leader. On the other hand, Geneva's emanating sadness stained a tiny wall on an otherwise sterile heart. She gave the sad one a quick sideways glance and her lips curled in silent, one-way empathy but her face straightened in time to answer the male. "Ma... my Ma, the big she-wolf who I come from. She taught me about plants that nourish health." She was silent for a moment to recall her much rehearsed presentation, "I can teach other kids my plant knowledge as well as fishing, insect and rodent hunting, hiding from danger, patience, and observation. Even if my experience is rudimentary, with me as a pup-teacher, it can free up valuable time for adults to perform other pack duties." Aquilina was surprised at how well she handled herself, and secretly thanked the numbness that sprung from so much misery. Her resigned figure looked upon the leader with earnest eyes.


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