The Returning Water
Lupus is great! I thought so after the first post but I kept it vague in case I'd misinterpreted or skipped something in my reading. XD I've been known to do that before, then reread both posts and go "ARGH STUPID ME" and have to edit. HAHA.
WC: 426

"Thank you. It just looks so relaxing." Bris smiled genuinely as she replied to the other woman's invitation. The water sang softly as the Stormbringer placed her well-loved satchel on a nearby tree limb, wanting to risk getting wet neither the leather itself nor the books within. Gently, the white wolf began unwrapping her newly placed bandages, pleased to see there was no sign yet this morning of anything weeping from the injury. Thanks to that, she'd be able to reuse the same bandage after washing. If it had been dirty, she'd have had to do without one until she could get back to the treehouse where all her supplies were kept.

Careful not to let the unwrapped dressings touch the ground, Bris rolled them up loosely and set them just inside the hanging brown satchel on the tree. Her lips were pulled into a contented smile as she stepped over to the water, easing her feet in and then the rest of her body. She chose a spot near enough to the black wolf for conversation, but politely far enough so as not to intrude on her personal space. A happy sigh passed the Stormbringer's lips as she sank herself into the water up to her shoulders, her loose mane drifting on its surface around her.

Now that she was completely content, the other Dahlian's words registered in her head. "It's been several months now. I visited my sister Kol back in the fall, but I didn't take her up on her offer to stay here with her until midwinter. To be honest, I really wish I'd come sooner." But you can't change the past, and Bris knew that all too well. Had she stayed the first time she'd come, she would have had more time with Kol before everything had happened. Her regret still weighed heavily on her heart, but it was something she'd come more to terms with since opening up to Conor about her grief. Besides, she didn't want to come crashing down on a newly acquainted packmate with depressing conversation. "What about you? I remember your scent from when I'd visited in the fall, and it was still around faintly when I came back. Dahlia's been your home before, hasn't she?" Of course, Bris could be confused, but she didn't think so. The strange woman's scent was too distinctive and familiar for her to be a freshly arrived newcomer. The Stormbringer had the idea that there was much more to the blue-marked woman than a simple tale of lost and found.

Table by Marishka!
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