and our world fell to this
The smell had reached his nose moments after Pilot's calls rang through the Storm lands. Skoll was shifted, and would stay shifted for this. There was something he had to do. Barking his position to Pilot, he ran from his place of rest, crying behind him that he would get Phoenix. His books, his carvings...he would leave them in the ground, where they would likely smoulder under the swealtering heat from above, if the den was not sufficient to protect them. His second axe was trapped in the earth as well...but there was no time to retrieve it. His effects were wrapped around his waiste, and that was all he would carry for this.

Reaching Phoenix's den, Skoll called him awake, and picked him up. The fires were spreading...they were coming closer. He added his voice to Pilot's own, spreading the warning deep and resonant throughout the Storm territory to escape. Pulling Phoenix up onto his shoulders, he felt his adrenaline surge as he trudged through the soft Storm soil that he might never feel again. He had once promised that he would do everything he could to protect the Storm pack. When Gibraltar had kicked him out, he had concluded that he had done everything he could for them, and that his promise was over. As it turned out, he had found himself here again, but largely useless, since no one had come to trouble the northernmost pack of Bleeding Souls. It seemed that he would be able to do one last thing for Storm...hopefully he would succeed in assuring that everyone made it out in time. He couldn't fight a fire directly, but maybe he could stop it from getting to anyone.

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