This Strange Impression

WC: 303 (3 Points)

Please not so loud, my head is splitting.

He said quietly, as he slowly opened his eyes to not look like such a pup, his hands were still on his head, and sitting on a crate, which he had moved to get a better look at Niro. He probably had been watching the horses. He remembered that he was their caretaker. Niro wasn’t sure. Right now it didn’t matter what mattered was getting rid of this nasty headache.

I’ve got a horrible headache… I don’t know where it came from, you think you can help me? I would do anything to get rid of it.

The sound of his voice made him think, which didn’t seem to make it hurt much, other than in frustration. What if he did something to get the headache in the first place? Well he’d remedy whatever he’d done, the liquor that Rurik hadn’t done anything to him, so the vodka the female had let him drink wouldn’t have any affect would it? Or was it the smoke? No that never really bothered him unless he actually inhaled it. He tried to stop thinking, he couldn’t even remember most of the night.

A miracle medicine maybe?

it was starting to feel a little better, but his head did start pounding with the noise of a horse, well if it was getting better maybe the water worked, but Heath might now of something good to eat or drink that would make him all better. As he waited, he looked over at the horses, watching them as they grazed, not a care in the world, but he could tell the stallion was still watching him… or was it Heath? He didn’t know but he watched the herd, as he waited for the coming answer to his salvation or his doom.

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