Highway in the sunshine
((I got permission to PP)

She sat on the porch of her den-house, her eyes watching the smoke in the distance. It kept spreading, growing. She fidgeted nervously. Where was Lucifer? She glanced at their two boys, then back to the smoke. She wouldn't move until her mate arrived. Finally, the fire was too close, and she panicked. She grabbed her two sons and ran, heading for the packlands. She had one boy cradled in an arm. She wanted to shift down, but couldn't carry both boys that way, and wouldn't leave one behind. they were just barely over a week old. neither would survive long alone.

She could feel the heat of the fire as she ran, one boy under either arm like a football. Burning embers fell everywhere. Had she waited too long? She had been heading for the river, but it appeared as if the water was on fire. her bi-colored eyes wide and unseeing, she turned and bolted, releasing a howl of pure terror. She could hear screams, the roaring of the fire. She felt as if her pitiful howl would go unnoticed.

And then there he was, appearing through the smoke and flame. He took the larger of their boys from her, holding the boy by his nape. She quickly shifted down, screeching as things burned painfully. Only once had she pushed a shift so quickly, but time was important here. She picked the smaller boy up and ran alongside of Lucifer.

The world was on fire. Flames licked at her, singing her fine white coat, ash staining her coat deep grey. But she couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop. It wouldn't be until later she'd realize the magnitude of their loss, both personal and pack wide. And throughout the lands, even. Coyote, wolf, hybrid....everyone lost their homes. Everyone.

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