Peaceful minds

The weathered and worn book was small for the golden furred hand that held it. Her thumb still stuck between the pages, keeping her spot, Anann stared at her cabin from her seat in the shade. She leaned back against the trunk of the tree. She had read the book many times. Several of the lines were memorized. Still she read it faithfully to keep its words and lessons fresh in her mind. This evening however, she was finding it difficult to focus on the printing on the weathered pages. Instead her mind kept wandering away and seeming to always find a way to make it to thoughts of the Russian brunette.

Anann had realized from the start that she was attracted to the large man. It might have started as something that was purely physical. As he was not for the first nor the last man she had found attractive since she no longer was bound to her promise of betrothal. The more time she spent with him, the more she found herself thinking about him when he wasn't around. Perhaps it was odd at her age that these feelings were foreign to her and she did not know what to make of them. Having been betrothed to another at a young age, Anann had never given herself the freedom of letting her heart decide what (or rather whom) she had wanted. What she wanted had never mattered before. And it was not so much her own feelings that puzzled her, but whether or not they were returned.

Her thoughts on her own feelings and the possible feelings of Anatoliy were interrupted. The large wings of the raptor were nearly silent as the creature landed on a near by branch. It hadn't seemed that long since Anann had last seen Marahute, but it seemed the chick had grown quite a lot since that time and she was hardly recognizable. Still there was little doubt who the fledgling was and the silver wolf that arrived only moments later only confirmed that it was indeed Niro's golden eagle. The mohawked male looked as if he had seen a ghost and was panting from his run. A smile spread across Anann's maw as she watched the scene unfold. It was obvious she had gone unnoticed this far. First flight? Anann called out to Niro as he sat to catch his breath and she arose from her own spot in the shade.

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