like a river runs to the sea

Xeris continued to wander about the empty house, and continued to find most of the same sorts of things as she had found before. She wondered where the Valley's storage was. Admittedly, Xeris wasn't searching particularly hard, being more fascinated by the human artifacts that remained. She soon came upon another closet, and opened it up. It still did not have the storage she was looking for. Instead, it contained clothing--very fancy clothing. Xeris looked through it briefly, but didn't see anything particularly exciting. She closed the old, squeaky door again and continued to the next room.

This next room, she found, was bigger than the others. It, too, was filled with boxes. The white wolfess leaned over and looked into one of them. Inside, she found more bottles, but these contained water. The next box contained what seemed to be meat, with a salty smell and very dry-looking. This had to be it. "Pendzez!" Xeris called out, hoping her mate could hear her. "I think I found it!"


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