what is it when the clock just won't rewind?
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... stable.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
The young boy was so serious. Curious, but serious. Xeris couldn't help but be reminded of Jefferson's often solemn nature. And Geneva soon confirmed her wondering about the identity of the child's mother. Xeris smiled. "He is beautiful," she said, gazing into the boy's icy eyes again. "I'm sure you will grow up to be a stronghearted and brave wolf," she said to him. His parents had been through so much and yet remained--at least as far as Xeris had seen--composed and strong. It would be interesting to see how young Pripyat would grow and develop his personality.

Xeris felt some sort of pride fill her when Geneva mentioned that only herself and Jefferson knew about Pripyat's existence. She pondered what to say for a moment. Was Geneva intending to keep her son a secret, or would his presence soon be known elsewhere? Xeris wasn't going to go around wildly spreading the news of the pack leader's child, anyway. "If you ever need anything," she said to Geneva, turning her eyes back toward the gray wolfess, "If he ever needs anything, I'm here."


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