Not Your Typical Morning Routine

There wasn’t a place Kieran could say had been a home to him his whole life. He had left his birth pack some time ago, and spend part of his time wandering with a sort of nomadic clan. But it was all too much adventure and not enough familiarity for him. When he had arrived at Jaded Shadows, he hoped that he had found a permanent home. It was a beautiful place, and he had begun to grow quite attached to the area. Being forced to venture on his own again would be too much for him to handle.

Kieran smiled at the young wolf’s words, glad that she had a stable home her whole life. How tragic it would be for a pup to wander in search of a home. “Yes, Jaded Shadows is a wonderful pack.” He watched silently as Legacy peered into the water, staring at her muddled reflection. For a moment, it almost seemed as if there were two pups there beside him. “You have any siblings runnin’ about?” he asked suddenly. Perhaps a little off track, but he was curious.


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