No Cars Go.
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Not at all! It’s an Alli!! 476 Wc.

The female’s voice drifted down from above and off to the right of her and Nayru’s eyes slid open. A light slumber had taken her but Nayru’s internal clock told her she had only been napping for a half hour at most. This was perhaps unwise to sleep so blatantly out in the open, someone could have come upon her, and indeed that was the case. This wasn’t Dahlia de Mai and safety was not assured, yet the voice that called out to her sounded friendly and Nayru never even debated her actions. Nayru sat up, her head and upper torso effectively popping up from the long, flowing grass. The young girl’s eyes sparkled like the garnet stone on the anklet she wore, and as they met the eyes of the other she broke into an easy grin.

Hello. The voice was soft and pleasant, like a loud whisper, and Nayru bowed her head low in greeting. Never before had she met someone off of Dahlia de Mai lands, and just how one should interact outside of one’s pack eluded Nayru. The cow colored girl imagined it was much the same as meeting non-pack members at the borders and that such situations were handled with tact and respect, but perhaps here they met more as equals than if one had the home field advantage. Always the youth believe her elders to be wiser than her, though the fact that she taught them as well did not escape her. Still, she could tell this woman was older, and so she reacted to her as she would to Conor or Bris, and any of the others she had come to view as teachers and superiors.

Slowly and effortlessly she stood, brushing off the clinging grass with one hand. Still only half grown Nayru stood short, but it was evident in her slender figure she always would. Short, small and sleek, Nayru had only one completely inherent ability: stealth. All her other skills were all learned and well practiced, but her natural grace was there in every subtle body movement. I’m Nayru, of Dahlia de Mai. The words rolled from her tongue and Nayru liked the way the greeting sounded, having never had an excuse before to tack on her pack name. She hoped the woman would do the same, for she did not recognize the scent that clung to the other and this was an easy way to learn. Of course, if the answer did not come forth right Nayru intended to find it, as she did with all questions that floated about in her brain. Answers would always come. This was something Nayru knew and understood now, and it meant she never had to rush, never had to be direct if she chose not to, and never had to walk away without learning what she wished to.


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