Disconnect the Dots
I was gone all weekend XD 450.

The sound of hooves alerted Nayru before any sight or scent hit her. Nayru pulled herself into a standing position and her crimson eyes opened wide when the silhouette of the horse and rider appeared. Liliana looked vastly different upon the four hoofed animal than she had upon Dahlian lands and the animal was strange in and of itself. Unlike the cat she had encountered Nayru already knew what this beast was, but she had never seen one for herself and the massive size of the animal amazed her. Surely Liliana’s horse, unlike the cat, spoke low speech like the deer and elk and so although Nayru looked it over with appreciation she did not speak to it. As Liliana hopped down the girl’s attention was diverted back to the woman, and at her kind words Nayru bowed her head low. Many others commented on her physical changes, especially when they saw her for the first time as a shifted creature, but the compliments were always met with modest bows and usually murmured thanks.

Nayru took a few steps closer to Liliana, a smile breaking on her face. It felt easy and natural to talk as if they were close friends, rather than two wolves whom had only met once. "It hasn’t been that long." Nearly two months to the day had passed since they had met each other, but as all puppies did, Nayru grew rapidly and the changes that her body had undergone were immense. More than that her mannerism were more refined, every little movement more graceful and thoughtful. Her thought process was becoming more mature by the moment, although Nayru retained her fanciful thinking and childlike curiosity. Ever the question and learning type the two toned girl eyed the horse as she drew nearer, unafraid but unsure as to how to behave around such a beast.

"I just came to visit, if that’s alright." Nayru’s words were shy and simple. If she wasn’t welcome she’d take no offense, after all this had been a surprise visit and Nayru didn’t know if Liliana had the time to spare. "I felt like venturing out of Dahlia and didn’t know where else to go." Aimless wandering was fun, and Nayru had done so on occasion, but having a destination gave a sense of purpose to the trip and Nayru was beginning to feel that most things ought to be done with purpose. More and more she liked to feel as if her actions had positive effects on her life or those around her. She could have wandered with no purpose today, by herself, but perhaps visiting Liliana would prove to be more beneficial, or so Nayru hoped was the case.


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