Disconnect the Dots

Liliana expressed her joy at finding Nayru and the girl smiled, her crimson eyes sweeping the land past Liliana and her horse. So long as she wasn’t intruding, it would be interesting to see inside another pack land. Nayru had made Razekiel tell her what life was like in Inferni, but the coyote had been loath to talk about it and Nayru had been asked not to go there. Did others live as Dahlians lived? The question still floated before her unanswered. Dahlians did as they pleased for the most part, so long as compassion and respect were given to each other. Some chose to live outside the towns, on four legs, while others lived more human-like lives, on two legs and inside buildings. They had simple rules to follow, and not many of them at that. Yet already Nayru felt herself in a strange place. No one in Dahlia, that she knew of, rode horses.

"I would love that, if you would." Her gentle voice was undemanding, ever polite, more so now that they were in Liliana’s home rather than her own. Nayru made a few steps towards Liliana and the horse, waiting for the woman to lead her to whatever sights she felt the girl should see. For Nayru it had been easy, the vineyards had immediately sparked Liliana’s interest, and of course there was so much more to Dahlia de Mai, Nayru herself never ran out of places to explore. Perhaps they could start simple, Nayru thought, as her gaze fell again upon the great beast beside them. "That is your horse?" The question was posed so that Nayru’s utter lack of knowledge on the animals showed. With that, Nayru knew that her time had not been wasting coming to Aniwaya, if anything, at least it would prove to be educational.


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