and our world fell to this

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

Anderung was running toward the pack lands. She knew she shouldn’t be, there was a fire. A huge, terrible fire that had started up. Even though it was day she could see the dark clouds of smoke ahead of her, like an oncoming storm. ’How ironic’ she thought to herself, and put on an extra burst of speed. From a distance she looked like an amber lightning streak even though she wasn’t all that fast. Desperation had willed it.

Meer stopped. Fire was burning close now, she couldn’t see any yet, but she could hear it. The crackling, the snapping, the crashing of ancient trees was the song that this fire was singing. A few tears came to her eyes as she ran onward. She saw that most of Storm was covered in black smoke. Still, she went on, not knowing that she was too late, even Skoll had left by then.



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