PP Bris’s approval, eep! 445.

Nayru nodded as Bris explained this was the first that she had made for someone else. That made the thin bracelet all the more unique then, but why would Bris have chosen her to bestow a gift upon? Why not one of the Stormbringer puppies, who were Bris’s blood relatives, or Conor’s younger cousins? Or Conor himself? Nayru did not pose this question out loud in fear of offending the kind ivory woman, and although Nayru didn’t find herself particularly deserving of any special gifts she could not fault Bris’s judgment. Whatever the female found accepted and right was probably so, and Nayru would accept it. “Thank you. No one has ever given me a present before, this is too kind.” It was in fact the first personal belonging Nayru had accumulated.

Upon her wrist it glinted merrily, but dangled too much and Nayru could see the danger in losing it if the chain should slip from her delicate wrists. “Oh no, don’t change it!” Why Nayru felt that to shorten the chain would be wrong she wasn’t sure, yet something told her not to let the woman alter it. The bracelet was already in creation and perfect as it was as far as the girl was concerned and if it were not meant for her wrist than perhaps somewhere else. “I can wear it around my ankle?” Nayru slipped it off and held it, waiting for Bris’s consent in moving the piece to her leg. Yes, there it would fit snug, so perfectly it would make noise when she walked but would glint and gleam if the sun caught it just right. Not an obvious adornment but something one would notice if they took the time.

After gaining the approval from Bris, for she wanted to woman to be pleased with the placement as much as Nayru was herself, she relocated the bracelet, and as she had thought it fit perfectly. Like a poised dancer she held out her leg, impeccable balance keeping her steady as she stretched out the long limb for the two fo them to inspect the jewelry’s new home. “It fits.” Lowering her leg she smiled up at Bris again, feeling more connected to the older female than she had before. Conor and Bris she had always considered guardians, not quite parents but akin to them, yet they were something more too. They were friends, despite the age gap, and two of the few Souls that Nayru would open up to for help and advice. Why the idea came to her then Nayru couldn’t explain, but the words came forth before she had time to reconsider. “Bris, can you read?”


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