So I guess its no suprise I can't forget you.
Show time Tongue

In that week a lot has occurred, many persons have entered in BIOS life end memory, and he has learned a lot about that new environment he ended in... though, after the las visit to the Halifax airport, he remembered one very important name: Yuki... the first girl and friend he met after the awakening... After the meeting with Rurik, the dog noticed her sudden absence that now was prolonged to that precise moment... moment in which he started to get concerned about it. The last time she was nearby, the dog could appreciate some... nostalgic... sad aura around the female... and he was too curious to know the reason of that, but… where to start..? Where she could be in that moment..?

The dog wandered around the Halifax city thinking about it… in the Shattered Coast… even when that was the place where he first met her… She was not to be seen around there for long time… BIOS then remembered Yukis words… that she was a roamer, and there was no place she could call “home” to stay in… he was about to suspect that she might have left that place to go somewhere else … he nodded, she has made a promise to him, and he believed that she was aware of that and so that she must not be too far..! BIOS decided to clear his questions and go to search Yuki, first attempting to return to the Shattered Coast to make a new try and ask everyone for her… but that attempt was interrupted, other better possibility passed high in the sky before his eyes! An small bird… the only bird around in that time of the day… some known bird…


BIOS whispered, but he didn’t thought much about it and started running toward the bird, following it’s path and crossing buildings and streets that soon turned into overgrown herbs and strange carved stones all surrounded by a long old iron gate… BIOS slowed down and started to explore the place carefully… that zone spread a sensation that made BIOS uncomfortable… that sensation that was opposite to his name… After some minutes of wandering around, the dog could finally listen to the bird’s chips again, it was standing on one of those old carved rocks looking at BIOS, who afterward walked nearby and smiled with the curious the little bird seemed in such horary and such awful place… but, however, the canis quickly noticed other presence not so distant… He walked a little more and finally found her… Seemingly serene and meditative in front a group of tombstones…

“I’m glad I find you finally…
Why you stand here lonely?”

Yuki Miyako was there…

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