Cold winds
The shifted lady had gathered her shaw around her shoulder, taking out to the lands looking around, and seeing all the old sites that she had played in as a child. With in the years that she had last been here, she had let her mane grow, now she had long silver locks, with a wave to them. She didn't braid them like her birth mother, she let them flow free, maybe soon she would cut her hair again, but that was something she would think about later. She was still that tom-boy at heart, having a mate and a child didn't take that out of her.

The sliver lady looked around that lands, seeing the site of the white female, Konane, lowered her head with a sigh and shook it. It was one of his children, from his mate with her adopted sister Colibri. Which one was it? the female hadn't seen any of them in so long that it was sad. She was the one that stood by his side and help raise them, when she wonder off. She was the one that help him hurt for the pups and feed them when Colibri decided she wasn't ready to have pups any more.

Though it had seemed that after the white sister of her regained her metal well being, she turned the family against them. The two had been looked down upon by his mother for there love. That was part of her reason for leaving with him in the first place.

Konane was left standing there looking at the once child, that had grown. Did she hate her like her birth mother would have loved to her?

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