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Man, I'm so so sorry. But I can hug you to pieces on AIM or something? Fair trade? ><

She seemed nervous at the sight of him, but he remembered their first encounter, and attributed it to that. She would know him in the end, and everything took time, he always thought, but still he could not help but feel a little upset by the reaction some of his members had towards him. Never had he wanted to be feared, only respected, but for some this was two sides of the same story. He gave her a smile and hoped it would suffice to calm her, before he spoke. "I wanted to see how you were getting along. I see you've found a suitable den!" Found, built; Dawali didn't know. Perhaps she had had help from the others in the tribe; that would be good. He liked that they had so many different skills, that for whatever anyone wanted to do, there was someone who could help or teach them. It made him proud that their community, despite their low numbers, had so many different colors.


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