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Dawali's heart was put at east as soon as it seemed as if Liliana's was, and the smile lingered on his lips for some moments, until he needed them for speaking. "Good, good." Pausing, he was at a loss for a moment, for things to say. She'd basically answered his questions already, hadn't she? But of course, his goal was not so much to check up on her as to get to know her; she came across as shy, and he needed her to know that he could be trusted. As the tribe's medic, the need was double; a medicine man whose patients did not have faith in him was no medicine man at all, as they would seek others to heal their ailments. He could not afford to lose any members to sickness just because they did not know him; not for his own heart's sake. He was too old, and too soft for that kind of thing. "So you've met some of our other members already? That's good. How're you finding tending the animals?" It felt like an interview. Hopefully she would see his good intentions, and it would soon start to feel like a conversation, instead.


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