
WC:351 (2 Points) OOC: <3 you just made it up to me by posting twice in one day!!!!

As he spoke Liliana saw that he was trying to be considerate, he was trying to get to know her, it felt odd, but this did ease her even more. She did need more friends, she had so few, well not much more than the acquaintances she’s had all over souls. She thought the closest thing she had to a friend was Nayati, who was nice enough, but she didn’t know what to think of him, he was clever, and helped her out. Other than that she’d only seen him a few times. That was about it. Other than that she rarely saw anyone else. She wouldn’t complain, she wasn’t always in Aniwaya to see everyone every day. Dawali seemed to be going out of his way to be nice and it made her feel well, what did she feel? It wasn’t a feeling she was use to that was for sure. At the mention of working she smiled. This she knew she could talk about.

I enjoy it very much. I love being around the horses, and the other animals well they treat me well enough and I the same.

She said, her smile was now a genuine Liliana smile, one that hadn’t been put on her face contagiously, but one that was very sincere. She could easily stay with the animals if she wanted to, and she probably could with the way the pack was, but she didn’t really know if anyone occupied the stables other than the animals themselves.

I really do appreciate you letting me tend to them. I missed horses when I was alone. It’s good to be back among them. I’d love to train some as well… I mean if that is ok with you.

She knew her rank wasn’t the highest and she wasn’t sure if she should but she knew she was good at what she did. Her mother taught her. Soon she’d have her own horse, one she wouldn’t really have to ask permission to tend to, but that would be a future that had yet to come. First she had to find a herd.

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