sleepwalking past hope

Delayed. Work has been a royal pain in my ass. D: +5

Her feet moved in a languid stride that German Shepherds displayed, making any Shepherd's pace look effortless and gliding, even when shifted into Optime. Her feet didn't have a port of call to rest, for Talitha had been traveling for quite sometime now like this, her otherwise journey worn soles still felt restless of themselves. Always had to be moving, no matter what. There was always something to see, to hear, to meet, to experience, and it felt like Talitha was starting over from square one for the sixth time already with returning (it was Gabriel who sent her off last time due to the Dahlian war, but it was still another tally mark against her for lack of loyalty). For once in this bitter world, Talitha wanted to make a name for herself, maybe even a shiny, impressive title to go with. Everything transitioned so smoothly in the beginning, as she was first blossoming into the iron-fisted daughter Gabriel bore until the incident occurred, and from that point Talitha couldn't seem to break herself from a vicious cycle that consumed her mind and soul like a black hole. There was no welcome back party of her, no one even seemed to vaguely remember who she was, or what she even did. Worthless, her conscious said, and would toy with the prospect of why she came back in the first place. If daddy wasn't the Aquila you wouldn't even be here again, what could you possibly do that is of material worth to Inferni? Her conscious was already starting to work its way to making low blows.

Whiskey was her elixir to transcend her into a woozy land of haze and endorphins, and the cure to put her conscious at bay. Her journal was absent in possession, as Talitha spent the several days returned to write her fingers off for sake of clarity and to actually write again. To replace worn pages was her silvery flask, although disappointingly empty. The last taste of whiskey lingered on the back of her tongue, and it wasn't enough fuel to keep her driving. What was already in her system was bound to wear off or take no effect, so maybe her wandering did have an underlying purpose to find that glorious substance to make the world a more tolerable place. Sensing the salty, balmy breeze and how the ground beneath her feet became soft and sinkable, her heart leaped against her chest as Talitha was met with a creamy smear of sand and a horizon of water. Freezing up and stopping in place, she blinked, and her unusually long ears twitched and flattened out of dawning realization. Of all places to end up, why did it have to be a place that reminded her so much of that evil entity that took her sanity, took her innocence, took her virginity for heaven's sake?

There was something her nose was picking up on that the rest of her senses didn't get the hint of, and that was the alkaline like scent of liquor. Talitha was blessed with a mixture of the genes from shepherd, coyote, wolf, and red wolf to have an insanely acute sense of smelling to her nose, and even if it was finding a bottle of rum hidden within a meat locker, Talitha would find it in two minutes flat. With that teasing scent came a figure in the distance, and her fingers gripping her flask rubbed against it, a gesture that was like soothing her container to let it know it was alright, there was a hopeful means to fill it. Despite how the scenery alone was beginning to gnaw at her paranoia, Talitha took the risk in order to make her effortless striding right down to shore side. Funny, how alcohol was a means for confidence, how alcohol could make her face her fears like it never even phased her in the first place. The figure held no mass, no meat to him, with long midnight hair that Talitha first assumed it might have been a female who looked tomboyish, but there was his masculine scent mixed with the scent of sweet liquor upon him.

Talitha wasn't able to get any notable facial features from him (due to his shadowing hair), but as cynical as Talitha was, there was still a touch of boldness within that made her come right up to him, and her arm extended to wave her empty flask around as if she was a beggar asking to spare some change. Giving a striking smile and fluttering her crimson eyes, it was like a leeching alcoholic and some attractive assets that would hopefully get her what she longed to devour. "Care to spare a sip of a shot or two?" Talitha didn't need much drink in her to get her going, and judging from his possession, seemed like it would be some good stuff to kick her off a swag or two.


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