Happiness Unraveled
     Even as the blade found his body, like a compass needle pointing to true north, Gabriel could not break his gaze from her. There was something utterly hypnotic about the way she looked. It was not simply her figure, which was smaller than a coyote and silkier then a wolf. Her coat was copper and chestnut-crème, white and ivory and not meant for the world they lived in. Gabriel had met many strange breeds in his years, including dog-hybrids, but she did not look like them. Purebred, most likely. A rarity in these lands.
     The wind turned and twisted, making dust-devils in its wake, taking his scent and giving him her own as it came. It took him several long moments to realize where he had smelt it before, and the knowledge left him relieved. Another victim saved from the beast. He did not recall her face that night, only that she had been there, and she had called for him.
     So now, hearing her voice spoken, he smiled wistfully. It was a beautiful voice, and tugged at a memory he could not place. “I don’t carry weapons,” he said, and raised his hands to show her. In the center of his right palm a scar stood out, marking him as an apostle forever amen. “You were the one he was attacking,” Gabriel added, as if this might place her in his memory, and his in her own.

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